The Answers You Need
The following is a carefully thought-out and curated list of the questions that several customers have asked in the past. If you have a question for us, please go through our list before getting in touch. If you still can’t find the answers you’re looking for, please contact us directly and someone on the team will be happy to assist you.
How does your product operate during or after electrical surges?
This is your FAQ Answer:
Our power supplies have build-in surge protection which operate from 90VAC up to 280VAC. Our LED printed circuit board operates from 70VDC to 75VDC. Most of our products have a standard MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor) build-in. (The Metal Oxide Varistor is designed to protect various types of electronic devices and semiconductor elements from switching and inducted lighting surges.)
All the protection build-in make our products more reliable and robust.
This is your FAQ Answer:
Custom industrial bulkhead light e.g., MAG 40/44, B40 and ACDC bulkhead or similar. Retrofit change 35 W LED equivalent as a 70 W HPS bulb or 70 W LED more than an equivalent as a 70 W HPS.
Clients with existing bulkhead lights do not need to purchase a new light, instead may recycle the light by replacing the bulb with our LED retrofits. Our retrofits fit in B40, MAG 40 and ACDC (the most popular bulkhead.)
Our LED retrofit is a 4-nut lighting and normal connection method that is lightweight, durable, eco-friendly.
Are your products tested and patented?
This is your FAQ Answer:
Our bulkhead LED retrofit has been tested by the SABS (SABS Test Report no. LGT-151126-00041-1)
Our bulkhead LED retrofit has been tested by the Eskom (Eskom photometric lab report for following light: 20 W/24Vdc emergency bulkhead light 20W/24VDC PCB LED, 35 W B40 LED inner, 40 W B40/24VDC emergency light, 70 W led B40 LED inner).
Our retrofits have been patented (Patent no. F2016/00287Part F CLASS 26 Lightings